SR-B1 and PGRMC1 Expression in Canine Uterine Macrophages

Cordula Gabriel

Published Date: 2017-07-10

Cordula Gabriel*

Department of Pathobiology, Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria

*Corresponding Author:
Cordula Gabriel
Department of Pathobiology, Institute of Anatomy
Histology and Embryology, University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna, Austria
Tel: +431250773403
Fax: +431250773490

Received date: July 03, 2017; Accepted date: July 05, 2017; Published date: July 10, 2017

Citation: Gabriel C (2017) SR-B1 and PGRMC1 Expression in Canine Uterine Macrophages. Reproductive Immunol Open Acc Vol.2 No.3:35. doi: 10.21767/2476-1974.100035

Copyright: © 2017 Gabriel C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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In a previous study [1] the scavenger receptor SR-B1 was identified to be upregulated in the progesterone responsive metestrous and pyometra affected canine uterus. In a follow-up study SR-B1+ expression was identified in IBA1+/MAC387- stromal cells, which were therefore characterized as macrophages (Figures A-E). A comparable cell population was identified between myometrial smooth muscle bundles (Figures F-I). These SR-B1+/IBA1+ cells were positive for PGRMC1 (Figure H). Dressing et al. [2] summarized data suggesting that progesterone acts upon immune cells via non-genomic pathways rather than nuclear progesterone receptors, but data are inconsistent. Our preliminary findings strengthen the hypothesis that these PGRMC1+/SR-B1+/IBA1+ macrophage-like cells might be activated or recruited via progesterone in the canine uterus.


Figure A-C: Immunofluorescent detection of SR-B1 (green, A) and MAC387 (red, B) in the canine endometrial surface epithelium (SE) and specific cells (arrows) within the stroma (ST). SR-B1 positive cells were negative for MAC387 (merged figure C; nuclear counterstaining: DAPI in blue). Figure D and E: The dendritic morphology of IBA1 positive cells (D; brown cells, arrows) was different to the spheroidal appearance of MAC387+ cells (E).


Figure F-I: Despite the smooth muscle bundles of the myometrium (MY) IBA1+ cells (F, arrow) that were negative for MAC387 (G: IBA1 green, MAC387 red, nuclear counterstaining: DAPI in blue) were identified to be positive for PGRMC1 (H, arrow) and SR-B1 (I, arrow).


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